How Technology is Revolutionizing Non-Profit Organizations in Idaho

The non-profit sector in Idaho is undergoing a major transformation due to the introduction of new technologies. An economic development grant from the INL has enabled organizations to identify recovery needs in communities in Eastern Idaho, with the aim of improving economic and social conditions. It is clear that those non-profit organizations that choose to invest in technology will benefit from a performance advantage over those that do not. Van Meter, founding director of the quarterly bilingual scientific bulletin Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, commented: “The Internet and associated technologies have revolutionized the way we access information, technology and media for scientific production and teaching.

This has changed my life and work, as well as that of almost everyone who works in higher education and research.”The Eastern Idaho Department of Regional Economic Development and the city of Idaho Falls are exploring the possibility of creating an “innovation district” to promote technological advancement and economic growth in the region. Paul Saffo, a leading technology forecaster and consulting professor at Stanford University's School of Engineering based in Silicon Valley, noted: “I've had an email address on my business card since 1982 and I carry enough electronic devices with me to get nervous during thunderstorms.”Living in Europe, technologies have made it easier for me to communicate with family and friends in other places in real time. The Generalized Cybersecurity Institute at Boise State University has identified a growing need for cybersecurity in rural and remote Idaho communities that use wireless technology to connect with the rest of the world. If a non-profit organization has successfully implemented a technology in the field, it could be replicated by other similar projects by other organizations. The non-profit sector could be a great place to test new technologies in innovative ways because there is trust between organizations that use the technology. I started teaching about the use of technology at Athabasca University in 1987 and began developing websites and learning management systems for a living in 1995. To adopt technology effectively, organizations need digital experience at the senior management level, digital leaders must be involved in decision-making about new companies, and the digital experience must be distributed throughout the organization, not isolated in an IT team. In conclusion, technology is revolutionizing non-profit organizations in Idaho by providing them with access to information, technology and media necessary for scientific production and teaching.

It is also enabling them to explore new ways of testing innovative technologies while providing them with access to cybersecurity resources. Organizations must invest in digital experience at the senior management level if they are to adopt technology effectively.

Cora Gillund
Cora Gillund

Certified web buff. Wannabe pop culture aficionado. Total music trailblazer. Extreme beer enthusiast. Devoted pop culture evangelist. Wannabe web geek.